Still here!
It’s been awhile since we’ve had much to share with you all! Most of 2020 was spent sewing face masks. Now that the big push to get masks on folks faces is done, we are back to working on needle cases, knitting bags and some new patterns. Unfortunately, we are still faced with numerous show cancellations which has been a big financial blow as well as an emotional one. Getting to see and interact with customers at shows is one of the best things about this week and it’s now been 2 years since our last in-person show. We are holding out hope that we’ll all be able to gather and share our love of all things fiber next year.
In the mean time, we have a ton of cases and accessories ready for you to shop! We are working on some exciting product developments so have temporarily disabled our shop on this site. You can still shop on the Etsy shop while we work on this redesign. We are adding inventory as quickly as we can photograph it so there should be plenty of prints and case styles to choose from, including the new flip-top spindle bags, for your holiday shopping!
We are particularly excited about our new, custom printed fabrics! Heidi has been working hard designing a range of fun prints that we can produce in-house. Going forward, we will be phasing out commercial novelty prints and focusing on our own line of prints. To round things out, we will also be offering a selection of rich tonal fabrics. Designs and colors will change annually. We hope you are as excited about this as we are!